Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Wednesday 2.18.15

Good Afternoon Wilson Wranglers!
The book fair will be open today until 3:30, but it will close at 1:30 on Thursday and 12:30 on Friday.

Be sure to ask your AFT teacher for a lunch ticket if you want to shop during lunch.
Our 4th Annual Food Drive kicks-off this week and runs through Friday, March 6th. The food we collect will be donated to Interfaith Community Services, which provides food to our local community. Last year we collected over 3,000 lbs. of food and our goal is to match that again this year. Leadership students will be putting out the collection boxes this afternoon. Any non-perishable food items are welcome, but please no glass containers. The items that are most needed include:


-          Canned meat

-          Canned pasta sauce

-          Pasta

-          Rice

-          Meals in a can (soup, chili, ravioli, etc.)


The top 9 classes will win an Eegees’s party (AFT for middle school). Thanks for your support with this significant community service. If you have any questions, see Mr. Linn.